Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Some days you gotta dance

erday was a pretty crummy day. I had a ton of things on my mind and just a lot of things that were bugging me. Ever had one of those days? Where your in a slump and no matter what you do, you can't get out of it? Well, that was me yesterday. I ended up going to pick my best friends little girl up from daycare yesterday and babysat her for the day. That helped for a little while I was busy and I forgot about all my problems. Eventually it was time to take her home and when we got there her cousin was there. I ended up hanging out at their house for a little while and the kids were going crazy. Which lead to these videos.

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

sorry for the quality the room was kinda dark and I took them from my iPhone.

All of us adults ended up joining in and danced with them. I ended up dancing my problems away. Seriously, I know it sounds corny but while dancing around the room i really felt like my problems just didn't matter and I forgot all about them.

I think the Dixie Chicks say it best when they say....

Some days you gotta dance
Live it up when you get the chance
'Cause when the world doesn't make no sense
And you're feeling just a little too tense
Gotta loosen up those chains and dance

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